“In the last decade, India witnessed an unprecedented index of cyber crimes, inter alia, trojan attacks, salami attacks, e-mail bombing, DOS attacks, information theft, or the most common offence of hacking. Despite technological measures being adopted by corporate organisations and individuals, the frequency of cyber crimes has increased over the last decade. Reliable sources report that during the year 2005, 179 cases were registered under the Information Technology Act 2000 as compared to 68 cases during the previous year, reporting the significant increase of 163 percent in 2005 over 2004.
One of the first cases where the accused was convicted under the IT Act provisions was the case of State of Tamil Nadu v Suhas Kutty. The case related to posting of obscene massage about a divorcee woman in the yahoo message group. The accused was found guilty and convicted for offence under ss 469 and 504 of IPC and s 67 of the IT Act.”