“Article 21 of the Constitution of India covers the right to privacy as a fundamental right
to protect the autonomy interest. Further, the IT Amendment Bill 2008 introduces s 66E to specifically deal with menace of video voyeurism and
MMS scams. According to this section, whoever intentionally or knowingly
captures, publishes or transmits the image of a private area of any
person without his or her consent under circumstances violating the
privacy of that person shall be punished with imprisonment which may
extend to three years or with fine not exceeding 2 lakh rupees or with both.
Section 72 of the IT Act 2000 protects the informational privacy interests,
by prohibiting disclosure of information received by a person in pursuance
of the powers conferred under the Act. Such disclosure is punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and or fine which
may extend to 1 lac rupees.”