With the advent of internet pornography, particularly child pornography is become a major problem faced by nations. Many countries have attempted legislative measures to control this problem for example Section 67 of the IT Act makes publishing of any obscene information online as a punishable offence. There is Section 67B in the ITAct,2000 to combat […]
What is Cyber Terrorism?
Cyber Terrorism denotes unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers, network and information stored therein to intimidate or coerce a government or its people for propagating hidden political or unlawful social and religious motives. These attacks could result in violence against persons or property or cause public unrest. Few examples could be explosions, plane […]
What is Money Laundering and Tax Evasion:
On the Internet, anonymous ecash would allow for anonymous purchases of real and personal property. This fact yields at least two separate, but interrelated problems. First, the launderer or drug dealer will be able to discretely use illegally obtained profits to legitimately purchase property. However, currently, the opportunity to spend thousands of dollars of digital […]
What is Computer Forgery and Counterfeiting?
Offences of computer forgery and counterfeiting have become rampant as it is very easy to counterfeit a document like birth certificate and use the same to perpetuate any crime. The authenticity of electronic documents hence needs to be safeguarded by making forgery with the help of computers abs explicit offence punishable by law. When a […]
What is a Logic Bomb ?
A logic bomb[7] is a program, or portion of a program, which lies dormant until a specific piece of program logic is activated. In this way, a logic bomb is very analagous to a real-world land mine.The most common activator for a logic bomb is a date. The logic bomb checks the system date and […]
What is Cyberstalking?
Cyberstalking, which is simply an extension of the physical form of stalking, is where the electronic mediums such as the Internet are used to pursue, harass or contact another in an unsolicited fashion. Most often, given the vast distances that the Internet spans, this behaviour will never manifest itself in the physical sense but this […]
What is the Love bug virus?
A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer, use your e-mail program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on your hard disk. See ‘What is a computer virus ?’ Published: October 23, 2006 This new bug is distributed as an attachment to an e-mail message entitled, “I Love You.” […]
What is a Trojan Horse ?
A destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses[3]do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. One of the most insidious types of Trojan horse is a program that claims to rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses onto your computer. The term comes from the […]
What are Virus and other Malicious Programs and Webware?
Virus-Malicious programs intend to cause harm to targeted systems and include virus, worms, Trojan horses, Logic bombs and hoaxes[1].A virus[2] is a program that infects an executable file and after infecting it causes the file to function in an unusual way. It propagates itself by attaching to executable files like application programs and operating system. […]
DNS Spoofing is a term used to describe the faking of host masks during the resolution of internet hosts names. To perform DNS spoofing a hacker attempts to intercept the communication and send fake host name mapping to the victims computer. This can be done using malicious web applets downloaded by the attacked user himself.